
시조사 쇼핑몰


Un Ruisseau Dans Le Désert

ISBN 978-89-6375-310-2

상품이미지 최대 사이즈

  • 상품이미지 1

상품 정보 표
판매가격 15,000

This book is not only for Christians going through a spiritual wilderness, but for all those wishing to understand the relational aspect of this journey.
A plethora of topics are covered, but, are nonetheless all related to this essential and vital act— the tri-dimensional aspect of the rapports you entertain on a day-to-day basis.

This book deals with:
- managing and handling your personal challenges;
- the relationship you have with your neighbor;
- the relationship you have with your God for some or — the “man upstairs”, for others;
- and measures to put in place to protect you during this challenging journey.
The author uses her personal experiences to address these timely topics.

Author’s Biography

The author, Dr. Natacha Moorooven, an educator at heart, hails from Mauritius. She spent the last twenty years of her life in Africa, America and Asia. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Information Management and Theology, a master’s degree in Religion and Ethics, and a PhD in International Relations.

She has served as an intern pastor and as the director of the Voice of Hope in Mauritius. She then joined the Adventist Volunteer Service at the General Conference in Maryland, United States. In this capacity, she is a missionary for two South Korean Adventist churches and for illegal immigrants - victims of sexual exploitation. Three years later, she worked for the Communications Department of the General Conference in the United States.

In spring of 2008, she obtained a scholarship for a Ph.D. in International Relations at Sogang University, in Seoul. She completed her PhD in 2013 and was hired right away as an Assistant Professor at Gyeongju University, then in March 2014, at Yongin University.

This inspirational book is simply the result of her passion and the experiences she has acquired over the years.

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